Concept of sources of history
About Course
Sources of history are ways and manners Historians come about the information used in Historical development interpretations and constructions.
*Primary sources of history
*Secondary sources of history
Tertiary sources of history
*Primary sources can be also called Direct sources or Firsthand evidence…They that sources received and preserved as at the time of occurrence.
*Secondary sources are an aspect of primary sources as they mirror primary sources.They can be called indirect sources and also provide a range of information when property is interpreted.
Tertiary sources of history borrow from both primary sources and secondary source of history.They also promote continuity in learning.
*Examples of sources of history
*oral tradition
*Oral testimonies
*oral evidence*colonial papers
Arabic sources
*Written materials etc
Sources of history are an integral part of drafting Historical works.
It helps to ask logical questions
Such as : how ,when ,who , where
Sources of history is a road map for authentic Historical framework.
Course Content
Outline for level one topics
Actors in international relations
00:00 -
Black in different territories
00:00 -
Branches of international law
00:00 -
Colonial administration of Nigeria
00:00 -
Concept and Growth of international political system
00:00 -
concept of Black in Diaspora
00:00 -
Concept of slavery and slave trade
00:00 -
concept of sources of history; primary sources.
00:00 -
Concept of Trans Atlantic slave trade
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Concept of trans Saharan slave trade
00:00 -
Contributions of African diaspora to the world
00:00 -
Definition of history
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Electoral crises in Nigeria
00:00 -
Factors for the rise of old Oyo empire
00:00 -
Fall of old Oyo empire and it’s effect
00:00 -
Features of international law
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Geographical determinism
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Impact and characteristics of INT political system
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importance of history
00:00 -
Importance of Law
00:00 -
Islam and Black in Diaspora
00:00 -
Limitations of international law
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Meaning & Nature of international law
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Meaning of Municipal law
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Military rule in Nigeria
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Nationalism of Nigeria
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origin and development of the Hausa States
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Pre-colonial political system in Nigeria
00:00 -
Roles of international law in global affairs
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secondary and Tertiary sources of history
00:00 -
Similarities and Differences btw Muni & Inter Law
00:00 -
Subject areas in international relations.
00:00 -
The Birth of Nigeria
00:00 -
Approaches to the study of international relations
00:00 -
Colonial Administration (Meaning)
00:00 -
Meaning of international relations